In Action

Print Fleet Cyber Security as a Service™

Symphion’s Print Fleet Cyber Security as a Service™ establishes and maintains a comprehensive print fleet cyber security program to help customers fill the known cyber security gap presented by their networked printer endpoints. Our solution includes defining, establishing and maintaining a baseline configuration for each in-scope print device (known as a Gold Standard) and patching. Symphion concierge teams use Symphion’s advanced technology to deliver the turnkey solution.

Symphion Licensing

Symphion’s Print Fleet Cyber Security as a Service™ includes licensing of Symphion’s Software (as defined and stated in the stated in a fully executed Symphion Master Client License and Services Agreement and any applicable Service Order(s)) for the in-scope number of devices stated.

Symphion Deliverables


Implementation includes customer approvals, verifying customer provided hardware and set up including remote access and privileges and installation of Symphion software. One-implementation per instance is required to service the entire in-scope fleet.

Inventory & Blueprinting

Symphion utilizes its unique methodology to establish essential inventory of in-scope print devices from available inventory artifacts and electronic examination of the enterprise. Symphion Software determines not only the identity of the in-scope devices but also their security configurability for your Gold Standard(s) and the state of each available security configuration item.

Program Management Office (PMO), Base Configuration, Testing & Turn Up to Establish Base Model and/or Advanced Configuration, On-Going Delivery

Symphion will regularly conference with Customer and Customer’s print fleet stakeholders to assist in establishing and delivering the print fleet cyber security program, print fleet cyber hygiene and best practices. PMO activities include determining and establishing Customer’s Gold Standard configuration(s) whether Symphion’s Base Model security configuration or Symphion’s Advanced security configuration, defining and delivering Testing and Turn Up, On-Going Service and advising on all aspects of print fleet cyber security. Conferences are 1-hour, once a calendar month, or as agreed by Customer and Symphion. PMO conferences are often weekly during Testing & Turn Up.

Security Configuration, Your Gold Standard

Your Base Model Security Configuration will include the number of controls (configuration items) stated in your Symphion Service Order as purchased by you. Symphion offers a Base Model of eight (8) controls and an Advanced Security Configuration that includes more controls such as hardening to Symphion’s NIST-like hardening recommendations, all as chosen and agreed by you.

Testing & Turn Up

Symphion’s Testing and Turn up methodology is Symphion’s proven methodology specifically designed to help prevent disruption of Customers’ business operations while establishing security configuration management in a production print fleet.

On-Going Service

On-Going Service includes automated monitoring of Customers’ Gold Standard(s), alerts and alerting and event management, remediation back to the Gold Standard(s), change control support, reporting, print fleet cyber security PMO and on-going concierge support of this turn-key solution.

Firmware Deployment Service™

Symphion Firmware Deployment Service™ is designed to fill the need for patch management (firmware updating). This turnkey, vendor agnostic service includes deployment automation for firmware payloads to enable updating and maintaining current firmware on all printers in print fleets, i.e., cost-effective patch management for printers. It includes many additional features, all designed to mitigate business interruption during patching (firmware updates).

Concierge Delivery

All Symphion Solutions are delivered by Symphion trained professional “concierges” and include planning and processes presented by Symphion and pre-approved by Customer’s involved stakeholders.

Comprehensive Reporting

Symphion solutions include comprehensive reporting from 100s of stock reports, ad hoc reporting from the extensive data available and custom reporting requiring coding, all prepared, analyzed and provided by Symphion concierges. Simply make the request and your concierge delivers the report or reports.



Optional Services:

Security Certificate Management and Update Service™

Symphion’s Security Certificate Management and Update Service™ is Symphion’s service to deploy and manage either self-signed or Customer-provided certificate authority issued security certificates. Often, this effort is driven by Customer’s vulnerability scans reporting on the in-scope print devices.

Advanced Security Configuration

Additional/Advanced configuration items can be added at any time to Symphion’s Print Fleet Cyber Security as a Service™ base model security configuration including hardening to standards such as NIST, DISA-STIG, HIPAA, CIS, and more.

Service Delivery Architecture-Security

Symphion’s service delivery architecture includes 1) Symphion installing Symphion technology in each customer’s datacenter on customer-allocated servers and database and 2) Symphion concierges remotely accessing and operating Symphion technology to deliver the service. Each customer’s data (which includes only printer identification and configuration information) remains in each customer’s own data center with their own security protocols.

Symphion Documentation

We have complete documentation of our technology architecture, service architecture, network traffic analysis and other documentation. We also deploy using customer-specific deployment specifications.